Today's Minute Moment Verse

Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Sixth Sense...The Sense of Humor

Sometimes things are funny just because they are funny.  Take falling for instance.  Now, I desperately try not to laugh when I see someone fall especially if they are hurt.  But just the sight is so hilarious with arms and legs going in all directions most of the time I can't help but snicker.

When I fall I usually end up laughing so hard I almost wet my pants.  Today, however, I did the "fallen and I can't get up" kind of thing.  Oh, I managed to get up---after the stars I saw faded and I rescued my flip flop to put back on my foot.  My wonderfully hard head broke my fall smacking first the sink, then the toilet, and finally the concrete floor in the tiny bathroom where I had fallen.

With my body sprawled in all directions I moaned and lay there trying to get my bearings.  I was lying on the floor in a tiny bathroom in a store in Sugar Valley.  Moaning, and moving, trying to determine if anything was broken, I was a bit taken aback when the store owner ( a tiny, little thing) stepped up to my line of vision and said, "I'm not gonna try to help you up."  "No,"  I responded, "just let me lay here for a minute and catch my breath."

A few minutes passed which seemed like hours and she came back.  "Do you want me to call the ambulance?" she asked.  Again I said, "No, honey I'll be fine," clearly lying through my rattled teeth.  I lay there for a moment more and thought, "What am I going to do?"

Then it came to me---a song I sing to my little grandson while I rock him to sleep called "Just a Little Talk With Jesus."  So I had a little talk with Jesus.  "Sweet Jesus," I prayed, "please help me get out of this floor!"  I have to say that's one of the quickest prayers I've had answered.  Within scarcely a minute I was off the floor finishing up my business and slowly getting the heck out of dodge.

Now when I think about it I just have to laugh.  Banged up a bit, bruised a bit, I still can only imagine the sight of me lying in that floor with that little lady saying, "I'm not gonna try to help you up."  She meant well and frankly I did not want to be moved at that time.

I say all that to say this.  Some things are just funny and most of the time falling is one of them.  Thank God for the sixth sense...a sense of humor!

To God be the Glory!  Amen.


  1. You know Cathy, I have always gotten through life with a sense of humor and I think God has one too. A few weeks ago, we were all going out to eat at a really nice restaurant after church and I was being mean and told our pastor that I didn't want to sit next to a certain person, because he always blows his nose while we are eating it seemed. Well while we were there with the pastor at the side of the man I mentioned, my sinuses started pouring, and would not stop. I kept having to leave the table. And I have been that way for almost 3 weeks now...I always have hankie in hand. And I think God is snickering saying, don't judge, some people can't help what they do. OK OK God I have my lesson. Enough already!!!!
