Today's Minute Moment Verse

Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3

Monday, May 10, 2010

Recovering from Knee Replacement Surgery

On April 29th I had total knee replacement surgery. During this time I have focused on recovery; physical, emotional, and spiritual. You might ask why I left out mental recovery. Well, God willing, that will all fall into place. When God heals us He heals us completely. (Of course, those of you who know me may think I'm a mental basket case, which is probably true...hmmmmm).

As His child in Christ Jesus, God has already completely healed me. The moment I placed my faith in Him I was healed. Living out that healing is something different. We live in a world of "dis-ease" called sin and the cure for this dis-ease, or sin, is Jesus. Jesus has cured me of sin. But until I leave this world I will continue to be affected by sin.

It's kind of like layaway. When I go to Walmart and put something on layaway it belongs to me because I have paid a deposit. When the time comes for me to pick up my layaway I pay it off in full and take my purchase home.

Jesus has bought and paid for me through the Cross but has left me here until the time comes for me to join Him. He has given me His Holy Spirit as a down payment. I'm His, I'm cured, and I have my guarantee in His Holy Spirit. But I still live here in the dis-eased sin world until time comes for Him to pick me up.

So...until Jesus comes for us or we go to be with Him we're still at Walmart, so to speak. The difference is that we have the opportunity to reach out to others for Christ. To continue the Walmart analogy, store items watch the layaway items to see how we, the layaway items, respond to the dis-eased sin world (Walmart). (Please don't misunderstand: Walmart is not sinful).

We, Christians, (or layways), must continue to encourage each other with the fact that our Savior will not leave us nor forsake us. Hopefully, the world (Walmart) will see how we wait for pick up and want what we have. To God be the Glory. Amen.

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