Today's Minute Moment Verse

Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Follow the Pattern

Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.
Exodus 25:9 NIV

One Saturday a few years ago I bought a sewing machine at an auction our church held. I have no earthly idea why. My friend, Tiffany, assured me it was a good brand and even suggested I purchase Sewing for Dummies. Caught up in the excitement of the auction, I purchased the machine; after all, it was for a good cause.

I took sewing in Home Economics at Calhoun High way back when. However, I promised my self after about eight times of ripping out the collar of the dress I was making that this would be my first and final attempt at dressmaking.

Thirty some odd years later I have purchased a sewing machine. Go figure.

Moses may have felt the same amazement when God meticulously and specifically laid out the plans for the Tabernacle after the Israelites made the exodus from Egypt.

The Ark of the Covenant was to house the Law God gave to Moses on the mountaintop. Every measurement, every detail was to be made exactly like the pattern God gave Moses.

Every table, lamp, utensil, and drape was laid out by God in minute detail and was to be fashioned exactly according to the pattern God gave Moses. There were to be no deviations, no shortcuts. God left nothing to the imagination. His pattern was to be followed explicitly.

It really makes you wonder how people believe life on earth developed by chance. However, I digress. Let’s think about patterns.

We use patterns for so many things. Ask any carpenter you know. They will tell you it’s hard to build a house without a blueprint, a pattern. Or what about detectives, who use patterns of behavior to profile criminals?

One of Webster’s definitions for pattern says: prescribed route to be followed by a pass receiver in football. It’s typically difficult for the quarterback to deliver the football if the receiver fails to follow the pattern.

If the football receiver takes a shortcut the pass will be overthrown and could even be caught by a member of the opposing team. Sometimes a shortcut appears to be better, to be easier than following the pattern. There are times when we all want to take shortcuts rather than follow the precise pattern.

God, the Creator, the Savior doesn’t take shortcuts. His pattern for the Tabernacle was specific. His pattern, His plan for our salvation from sin is specific. He took no shortcuts although He could have.

The Lord Jesus Christ followed the prescribed pattern, death on the cross, to save His children that we might be with Him forever. His resurrection from the dead completed the pattern. His children, all those who call on His name for deliverance from sin, benefit from a perfect pattern.

The Lord God has even given us His word as a perfect pattern of love to live by. How can we Christians be pleasing to God if we never study the pattern?

The Israelites completed the Tabernacle with no shortcuts. I guess if I’m going to make me a dress I’ll have to follow the pattern with no shortcuts. I know without a doubt if I’m going to please my Savior I must do the same.

To God Be the Glory! Amen.


  1. Thank You for sharing. I am certain you have and will continue to brighten the moods of more people than you might imagine.

    Henry Ford

  2. Thanks Henry. I'm still working on figuring out how to do all this. It's pretty simple but I'm pretty simple too so it's taken me this long to find I could comment to you. I just want to tell people about Jesus. I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day. kat
