Today's Minute Moment Verse

Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3

Monday, June 14, 2010

I Am With You Always

Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere.  Mark 1:45

Ultimately, we are alone.  We came into this world alone and will leave this world alone.  No human being can come close enough to fill that void within that cries out for companionship.  We try to fill the void in many ways. We buy more stuff.  We become addicted to substances that are supposed to make us feel better.  We schedule every moment of our day hoping to drown out our heart's lonely cry with busy-ness.  But in the end we're still alone. 

Then...there's Jesus---Jesus Christ, Son of God creator of heaven and earth.  Jesus lived and died just as we do with one exception---Jesus is God.  Jesus is also a Man and as a man He knows what it like to experience loneliness.  Surrounded by crowds of people most of the time, Jesus' need for companionship could not be filled by another human being.  How lonely He must have been.  There was no other person who could understand someone who was both human and divine.

Isn't that the cry of our heart?  We need someone to understand.  We have a void that can only be filled by God himself but the gulf between God and people is too great. Then...there's Jesus.  In some mysterious way He took our wrongs and shortcomings, our sin, upon Himself and died on a cross.  He was human and He died.  But (thank God for the "but"), He didn't stay in His grave.  He broke the chains of death and despair.  He lives!  God can finally have the relationship with people that only One who knows what it's like to be human can have.

 And that's not all.  Hallelujah, people---you and me---can now have a relationship with God through the only Man who has a perfect relationship with the Father.  This Man that is God---is Jesus.  Jesus is the One, the only one, that can fill the void inside us.  We can experience the deep abiding love of God when we trust in Him, Jesus the Christ.  In knowing Him, ultimately, we are never alone.

To God Be the Glory! Amen.

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